Fuck shit ass fart toodily daddly i'll gladly write for you no mothafucking dilly dally. Want creative comedy, rhyming or non, fuck your stupid ass cause i'll do it so fast consider the task gone.

Spencer Hart @BlazingBiscuit

Age 25, Male

I totally went

Sebastian, Florida

Joined on 1/27/16

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BlazingBiscuit's News

Posted by BlazingBiscuit - August 27th, 2020

Friendly reviewer here :D

well, not so—directly friendly. Whatever

i dont want you guys to miss out on the other mediums i do either. Had to make a post, only have my iphone to work off of!!!


my garage band house projects and more are something i feel to be made with fun in mind, and a bit of paranoia :) my favorites.


meet you in hell,



Posted by BlazingBiscuit - June 3rd, 2020



____ i only post weird non conclusive poems and text posts. But if i had some topical matters around my page i could garner some community.

it's so fucking boring, just, being a person and working to acquire THINGS for inevitably...less time to acquire more things. listen you get it...

i wanna curate something niche!!! I feel pretty out of the loop with a lot, as you can see i use ms paint for the majority of my more in depth posts.

i'm 20, i'm weird, and i'm ready to do shit in ways only thought about by small niche communities of nerds and curators.



Posted by BlazingBiscuit - March 13th, 2020


Posted by BlazingBiscuit - February 27th, 2020

ight so, if your listening.

this is a tiwttier thing i made so, it's about game grumps it's funny and i want you to laguh uhh a lot.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/GameGrumps?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@GameGrumps</a> I dubbed Alice and chains over your video, it...idc if it gets taken down it fit too damn well. I love you guys <a href="https://t.co/qAPbZ1Tr4d">pic.twitter.com/qAPbZ1Tr4d</a></p>&mdash; TwstrSpncr (@TSpncr) <a href="https://twitter.com/TSpncr/status/1143708660260061186?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 26, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Posted by BlazingBiscuit - February 24th, 2020

Won't hurt a bit,

i say it to get past my own manuscript.

i want and i want but that want's sure a bitch. The thing is the derogatory tells a whole other story and the picture is off center again and again.

Trust as you might,

the strength was within you the entire time.

The truth is the truth is a lie, the fraud that deceives you, rewards in time; hopeless are filth and the filth is divine. Regardless of what you think, all clocks don't tell time.

Intrinsic; beset from the points that I'm making: I'm useful.

Relentless; beasts are not tame unless music is tuned full: yes, soulful.

The hurting still quips,

i say this because I'm just manuscript.

better on paper than i am flesh



Posted by BlazingBiscuit - February 22nd, 2020

I can imagine, an infinite wall.

It's always bending, to the corners; the frame is the house pretending...

but the thoughts i think are just so boring

Now please imagine, an equally sized picture and a lone hook to hang it.

could you lift it if you were really just hyper phrasing?

honestly what's pretending for, i'd rather have money

I see paint, and i see oil. I find things like popcorn and squirrel fur.

the textures are repulsive but the message is sure clear...

negativity will always exist boldly.

you can exist in this world as long as you have detail.

superficial strangle holds to sacrifice emotions.



Posted by BlazingBiscuit - November 28th, 2019

O',o Why the fuck am i sick with the flu, it's thanksgiving.

What the fuck even is the english language?

i'm thankful for mass confusion and solidarity behind walls.

the illusion of free thought is a good one...


Posted by BlazingBiscuit - June 5th, 2019


i note deeply that the relative attitudes of all my posts are in touch with the world of utter stoned thoughts.

I also note that the use of random

  • seemingly pointless
  • kinda abstract office humor
  • could just be better off maybe not used.

SO, you came for comedy? I'll tell you about the time when me, 3 thoughts, and a bus all had an encounter.

Walking to the stop, headphones in full use

  1. i'm air guitaring and heavily involved in placing my fingers in the right places, of where, the actual musician is, i look like a fool
  2. living in floirda, the consequences of heat it self are imminent as soon as you step outside and clothes are basically instantly regretted.
  3. i'm hungry

i have only 7 minutes to walk 0.48 km

and that's AFTER i run back to my house, basically ignore my girlfriend, put new clothes on, and try to be AGOODBOYFRIEND and acknowledge the poor girl before she starts her day.

and you just read a rant....lol...

if you didn't laugh, you wasted time.

go outside


Posted by BlazingBiscuit - June 3rd, 2019


the activity placed aroud the routines that enslave you,

is just a game that reminds those people.

  • with that being stated, i hope tone is now captured. i reside in a place of flora, a place of contradictory social abnormalities, a place of love, a place of work.
  • i want a lot of these words to mean something more, but i write this at my day job, where i sell phones and do small IT complacence.
  • I need a winning lottery ticket///////////

you guys are all really cool.

Posted by BlazingBiscuit - October 29th, 2016

I'll never know how to properly vaporwave.
